Saturday, August 28, 2010

Things I love

Just because.

**Disclaimer: this is not an exhaustive list. ;)

1. Lists (obviously)
2. Rachael Yamagata's "Meet Me By The Water" (I feel instantly sexy)
3. Indian takeout
4. Mangoes and sticky rice
6. Long train rides (provided I have a sweater)
7. New York beaches
8. Vocal jazz
9. Sunshine & lemonade
10. Strawberries & cream
11. Chapstick
12. Chopsticks
13. Running in Central Park
14. Getting funny looks from people as I warm up my voice in subway stations
15. Smelling pretty
16. Shoes (always have, always will)
17. The 19.5 days of music in my iTunes library
18. The smell of a baseball glove
19. Soft pretzels
20. Jeans that make my butt look good
21. Red dresses
22. Red lipstick
23. Red nail polish
24. Dark chocolate
25. Pens that write exceptionally well
26. My friends' blogs
27. My friends, in general 
28. The smell of craft stores
29. Tea
30. Non-fiction (think Greg Mortenson, Tracy Kidder and Half the Sky)
31. The BBC
32. NPR News
33. Flash mobs
34. Being rebellious for a good cause
35. Shaking up the status quo
36. Hugs & kisses
37. Kisses (because they deserve a second mention)
38. Playing dress-up
39. The way my hair bounces after I've set it in hot rollers
40. My giant world map


  1. Oh Molly, you're such a lovely person! I hope your post-graduate life is treating you well girlie:)

  2. 41. Nanda

    also. love the rachel yamagata sign. and number 16, 20, 36, and 31. and you.

  3. I LOVE Greg Mortenson! You have excellent taste. :)
