So much has happened in the last couple months that I hardly know where to start!
After finishing my first half-marathon, I hit a bit of a bump in the road: my knee started giving me trouble. And it wasn't even the "bad" knee, the one that I messed up in soccer about ten years ago. I couldn't figure out what had happened because there was no clear moment of injury. But with the counself of some athlete/med student friends, I iced, took some ibuprofen, and bought a fancy compression brace. And you know what? I think things are almost back to normal! Going up and down stairs doesn't bother me anymore like it did. And I've gone for several little runs in the Park--braced, of course--just to test the waters. So far so good! I'm on my way back to a normal running routine! And gosh, there couldn't be a better time of year to run. Central Park--and all of New York, really--is just glorious right now. I think May and June might shape up to be my favorite months in this city. :)

I never thought I'd go within ten feet of blonde (I'm stubborn about conforming to any image status-quo or stereotype), but this is just the start. I'm scheduled for another round of highlights next month, and I can't wait. I also started getting really vain about the length of my hair before I got it cut, but I love the shorter length, and I know it'll serve me well going into the sticky, drippy, sweat-while-you're-standing-still New York City summer.
I also never, ever expected to pull off mustard yellow. But I took a chance on this sweater last fall (thanks, Burlington Coat Factory!), and this photo ended up being a favorite with a ton of my friends who were kind enough to offer their input on my headshots. I like how my friend Jayana put it: "You and this sweater get along really well." And my brother, the infinitely cooler third of our sibling contingency, added, "Brother likes this one." 'Nuff said. If brother likes it, it must be good. :) So, this headshot is the next to go to print--as soon as I've banked a few more paychecks.
In other news, despite being out of auditions for way too long, I've done quite a bit of work lately. Last Friday, I went out on a limb and answered a call for "strong movers/dancers" needed for a movie musical flash mob. I showed up to rehearsal, learned the routine, and gave myself a pat on the back for not chickening out beforehand. And you know, it wasn't that bad. I held my own.
We shot the film, directed by VP Boyle in association with the New York Film Academy, on Sunday. What a great experience. We brushed up our moves in the morning, then spent all day shooting at the NYFA Cafe. Coming from theatre, it's weird to do the same take over and over from different angles. I'm used to so much continuity with live theatre. But half the fun was doing it more than once--that and the reactions of passersby. And boy, that guy in the street food cart must have had the best day ever on the job. He got to watch us sing and dance all day long. :)
The film's working title is It Is What It Is, and its release is scheduled for January of next year. Keep you posted! In the meantime, here's a clip of our work on-set. The quality isn't terrific, but you get the idea. I'm in the hot pink sweater.
Over the weekend, I also helped shoot a music video in Times Square with my friend Christine. I'll post the youtube link as soon as it's up for viewing.
Next on the agenda is a project with the NYU Graduate Musical Theatre Writing Program. Thanks to Ben Bonnema, I'm being brought in as a replacement for one of the roles in La Sayona, a brand new 20-minute musical by Maria Alexandra Beech and Salomon Lerner. I saw the premier reading of it at Tisch last week, and I get to perform with them at a second reading this Thursday at The Duplex. If you can make it, RSVP at the event page here.
So, all in all, it's been a grand spring, and I can't wait for all that summer has in store! Thanks for keeping up with me. It's great to know I have so much support, both here and back at home. Love you all! xoxo